Friday, October 3, 2008

Sarah is the best!

Happy Birthday Sarah!!!!!!!!

(I meant to put this up yesterday....but then I fell asleep. Oops!)

Sarah, I am so so so glad you are my sister! You have always been a good a good example to me. You are super motivated to do what is right, you have a genuine helping and loving personality, you are very talented with anything you try (piano, singing, dancing, running, skateboarding, many more), and I can always count on you for an adventure! I love how you always want to go outside with me whether its riding bikes, climbing trees, playing badminton, or jumping on the trampoline. It is nice to have someone around that shares the same love for the outdoors and being active. I wish I could have been near on your birthday! One of these days I will be close and I can come visit on your birthday. Yipeeeeee! Have a happy happy birthday week, and remember that I, along with your friends and family, are super glad you are alive! You make the world a happier place. I love you Sarah!
Love, Anna


Emily Bliss Beal said...

I LOVE SARAH TOO!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!! said...

Happy Belated Birthday Sarah.